
  1. Back to School

I provided creative direction to photographer & videographer for our Back to School campaign. I created over 30 different iterations of static and animated mobile ads to accompany the video campaign.

This is a collection of ads I created at Poshmark. I earned increasing amounts of responsibility with each campaign. By our last shoot I was fully creative directing ads from concepts I created. I also appear in a few ads.

5. Jordyn Woods x Poshmark

I was chosen to lead the email and header design for Poshmark’s collaboration with influencer Jordyn Woods. My designs were used across the Poshmark app, social media assets, and email campaigns.

3. Halloween

5. Holiday

I independently created a group of animated mobile ads to allow us to pull from a backlog of creatives to run in between major campaigns. This often included producing product photography. I developed the concepts for the animations and designed them using Adobe After Effects and Premiere.

I edited these videos for the Halloween creative shoot. I also quickly iterated additional videos based on the best performing asset (the 4-grid).

I led creative development of multiple concepts for the holiday shoot brief. I built the framework for each concept to be filmed, including shot list, copy options, talent direction notes, and supplies needed. During the shoot, I acted as creative director, making sure the content we captured was in line with the brief.

2. Animations